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Twitter launches CoTweets, tweets written by two accounts

Twitter launches CoTweets, tweets written by two thumbnail accounts

Incredible news for users of Twitter: this week the platform began testing the new functionality of CoTweet. Apparently, this allows two accounts to be co-authors of a tweet and to be tagged both in every single piece of content. Currently, the option is being tested for a limited number of users, with the potential to become available to a wider audience in the near future.

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“We are continuing to explore new ways people can collaborate on Twitter,” he reports Joseph J. Nunez, spokesman for the platform -. We are testing CoTweet for a limited time to find out how people and brands can use this feature to grow and reach new audiences and strengthen their partnerships with other accounts. ” For the moment, in fact, the option that allows two accounts to be co-authors of a tweet is being tested in the United States, Canada and Korea.

But what is a CoTweet really? Exactly a tweet written by two authors and published simultaneously on the profiles of both. Recognizing it, it seems, will be easy. This content will present, in fact, the profile pictures and usernames of the two authors in the header. In this way, creators and users will be able to consolidate existing partnerships, make themselves known to a new audience and increase their visibility. In particular, users who have tried the option report that it allows them to invite someone else to be tagged in a tweet and discuss the contents via DM. A function similar to the one launched by Instagram some time ago, but which could have a different future on the platform.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.