Urbanista arriva sugli scaffali di MediaWorld thumbnail

Urbanista products come from MediaWorld

Urbanista arrives on the shelves of MediaWorld thumbnail

The audio brand urbanistfounded in 2010 and quickly established itself as a reference in the sector, officially debuts on the shelves of MediaWorld. The brand’s products will be available at the Italian MediaWorld stores allowing users to purchase the many hardware solutions created by Urbanista in an even easier way. Here are the details:

Urbanista products also come from MediaWorld

The many products in the range of urbanist they also come from MediaWorld. Headphones and other products from the brand specializing in audio solutions will be available in 122 MediaWorld stores located throughout the country. For users, this is great news. Buying products from the Urbanista range, in this way, will become even easier.

The Urbanista range of headphones is particularly articulated and full of really interesting solutions. The arrival from MediaWorld makes the brand an even greater reference point for the Italian market. Those looking for an excellent quality audio product can carefully evaluate the solutions proposed by Urbanista.

The company comment

The Country Manager of Urbanista Italia, Paolo Ciavardini, comments on the debut of the company’s products at the stores of the popular consumer electronics chain: “We are enthusiastic about the collaboration with MediaWorld which marks an important progress in the context of the expansion of our sales channel in Italy and of this new partnership that contributes to the achievement of an increasingly widespread presence in the territory of Urbanista products “.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.