Addio truffe sulle auto e moto usate, con l'app Pleggit la compravendita è sicura thumbnail

The Pleggit app for the safe purchase of used cars and motorcycles

The issue of buying and selling used cars and motorcycles is a hot topic. Thanks to’Pleggit app online shopping is safer. Data in hand, the second-hand market is constantly increasing. Cars, motorcycles, campers or other types we always fear that there is a scam behind an interesting deal. Pleggit is the first app that protects the economic transaction of the parties involved in a sale.

Pleggit a safe and reliable service

Therefore, the idea of ​​a service capable of making the buying and selling of used vehicles safe comes from three young entrepreneurs. They all come from the world of finance and technology. They started from the analysis of the market: in recent years online purchases have increased. Above all, of second-hand goods.

A trend that affects various sectors, including the automotive sector, where the possibility of spending less and accessing higher-value segments, together with the cancellation of delivery times, continues to generate a strong tendency to prefer second-hand for the purchase of cars, motorcycles, campers, caravans and work vehicles.

“Pleggit is a unique app of its kind, because it was designed to offer an intermediation that guarantees transparency and safety to those who sell and buy a used vehicle” – he explains Valentina Berghi – Business Development Manager. “This is because, even when you find the best deal in the world, the question is always the same: can I trust them?”

Goodbye scams on used cars and motorcycles with the Pleggit app, buying and selling is safeGoodbye scams on used cars and motorcycles, with the Pleggit app the sale is safe.

What makes the purchase of used items uncertain is the risk of running into a scammer who can hide both among sellers and buyers: according to Google, in fact, every month there are about 3,000 and 700 searches carried out by users to find out about scams related to the purchase of used cars and over 9.5 million results generated, including blogs offering advice on how to warn of the most dangerous situations and articles that inform about ongoing investigations and arrests.

A figure confirmed also in our country where, in 2021 alone, scams increased by 16%, with over 77 thousand frauds related to cybercrime, with estimated damages exceeding 150 million euros (source: Altroconsumo). A phenomenon that also negatively affects the sale of used vehicles, often held back by the fear of being cheated or falling into a scam. Payment is the heart of the Pleggit guarantee: the app allows you to create a neutral space, in which seller and buyer can act in full transparency and tranquility, with a system that confirms each step and certifies its validity.

How Pleggit works

It starts with creating a connection: the parties register, indicate the license plate and the agreed amount and precisely the concordance of these data allows them to start the negotiation. The app itself will then guide you through the entire procedure of the change of ownership, and will release the funds as soon as the change has taken place. In case of disagreement, Pleggit protects both parties by verifying the status of ownership with the Public Automobile Registry. “The automotive market lacked a service of this kind, which would allow individuals to trade without risk,” says Valentina Berghi. “The aspects to which we have paid the most attention are two: the reliability of the entire process and the ease of use”.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.