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Vodafone delivered the best overall mobile internet performance in 2022

According to the report “Barometer of mobile Internet connections in Italy – 2022 Report” on nPerf Vodafone delivered the best overall mobile internet performance in 2022. This is Vodafone’s fifth consecutive annual victory.

Vodafone is the best mobile internet network of 2022

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Vodafone delivered the best overall mobile internet performance in 2022 according to the “Italy Mobile Internet Connections Barometer – 2022 Report” published by nPerf. The survey was conducted from 1 January 2022 until 31 December 2022 and viewed a total of 727,093 single tests through the nPerf application.

It’s about the Vodafone’s fifth consecutive annual victory in the Italian mobile Internet. Winning on almost every metric except latency of just 0.02ms, Vodafone strengthens its lead in the Italian mobile internet, thanks to higher growth than its rivals.

It also delivered the best average download speed in 2022. It once again easily wins on this key metric, posting speeds 29 Mb/s faster than its closest competitor.

It also increased the download speed (double that of all its rivals) from 2021, with 29 Mb/s more. From the surveys on the hourly evolution of the average speed during the day, it emerges that especially during the day Vodafone guarantees a decidedly more comfortable bandwidth availability compared to all its competitors.

Vodafone provided theto best web browsing performance in 2022, a test that allows the user to accurately measure the loading time of the 5 websites most frequented by Italian internet users. Vodafone also delivered the best video streaming performance in 2022.

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Other awards for Vodafone

That of nPerf comes just a few days after another recognition: according to the ranking drawn up by Altroconsumo, the largest independent consumer organization in Italy, and published in early February, Vodafone was confirmed as the best 4G mobile network operator in Italy in 2022.

It is then from last November that of Open Signal, an independent global consumer mobile network experience analyst, which named Vodafone the winner in Overall Mobile Network Experience. In the analysis of Open Signal “ITALY – Mobile Network Experience Report November 2022”, Vodafone obtained all the awards of the Overall Experience: Video Experience, Games Experience, Voice App Experience, Download Speed Experience e Upload Speed Experience.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.