Vodafone down, picco di segnalazioni questa mattina thumbnail

Vodafone down, peak of reports this morning

Vodafone down, peak of reports this morning thumbnail

It seems to be the turn of Vodafone to have problems with the network throughout Italy: the network seems down on this morning of May 5, 2023. Reports are increasing rapidly and have been doing so all morning. And it seems that most users cannot make calls or surf the mobile network.

Vodafone down, what’s going on?

Since seven in the morning, there have been more than 300 reports on a constant basis, complaining of disruptions on the Vodafone network. Even if the timetable could be influenced by the fact that during the night there are much fewer users who use the smartphone and the home network.

As often happens, the most numerous reports come from big cities, above all Turin, Milan, Bologna, Perugia, Rome and Naples. Something that depends more on the distribution of the population in Italy than on the network coverage.

vodafone down min

At the moment the cause of this disservice is not knownbut we hope that this is a passing problem and easy to fix.

The last time Vodafone had a down was in January: then up downdetector more than 1,100 reports were registered. The problems had also involved virtual operators who use its network, such as I have. mobile and PosteMobile. Even today, the customers of these two companies report problems connecting to the network, but the reports are less.

We will keep you updated as soon as there is news.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.