Abbiamo provato Shattered Heaven: l'unione di RPG e card game fa la forza? thumbnail

We tried Shattered Heaven: is the union of RPG and card game strength?

What happens when the RPG genre meets a typical card game deck? The new work by Leonardo Interactivethe Italian independent development team that gave us some first moments of the game to test Shattered Heaven, the Italian strategic roguelike with card game-style combat and rather interesting role-playing mechanics. The game, available now in early access, is getting closer to its release, scheduled for the end of May. And to pass the time, we offer you our impressions in this preview!

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Shattered Heaven, dalle fucine di Dry Drowning e Daymare

The video game developed by same authors of Dry Drowning wanted to give us an early test version on Steam, which we have tested for you. First, let’s talk about the same publisher currently working on the release of Daymare 1994: Sandcastleprequel to that Daymare: 1998 and the developers of Dry Drowning, the successful investigative visual novel with futuristic and dystopian hues.

Shattered Heaven could only play upwards, or in any case try to keep the standards recently reached by the Italian videogame scene high. Will he have made it? Let’s start by looking at the history of this RPG in versione card game, which offers us a story with dark and fantasy tones at the same time. In fact, the game has a fairly thin narrative, but enough to kick off an action-packed story. In these first moments of the game, permeated by a 2D cartoon style graphics and accompanied by evident influences from the world of Lovecraftwe can immediately see how we have a multifaceted game structure on our hands.

Shattered Heaven

Shattered Heaven

Leonardo Production


His roguelike soul in fact offers us at the same time RPG tactical combat, for which it will be essential to improve the equipment and strategy of our heroes thanks to an articulated skill tree, lots of exploration in the various dungeons e challenges procedurally offered. But they are not the only elements waiting for us.

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A rich card game with lots of RPG ideas

Between challenges, traps, cards and treasures that are different every time, we have also focused on the dynamic deck-building system offerto da Shattered Heaven. I three different starting decks, one for each playable character, can be modified and customized during our run, without too many learning difficulties. A game wealth also stimulated by crafting, a fundamental aspect. In fact, we will be able to create potions and upgrades due to the various resources available during expeditions in the dungeons, or purchased from merchants.

How to reach these places and these additional characters? Simple, or almost. The base from which our missions will begin is called Equinox Cathedralan ambitious and evocative name at the same time, where we will also find a hub for customizing and upgrading characters and better adapt to the different challenges that will arise during the adventure.

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Also the response of the game engineRight now, it’s quite good, with not too long loading times and a movement of the cursor and in general on the screen well responsive. We can only be curious to find out what awaits us in its final version in some time.

The preview of Shattered Heaven in pills

We are well aware of the fact that, at this moment, the contents of Shattered Heaven are continuously updated and it is also evident that the purpose of Leonardo Productions is precisely that of create a complete, well-structured and articulated video game. Shattered Heaven is certainly not the work of a team that does not know its stuff, and we see it in many different components. Certainly some redefinition is missing in the artistic sectorcon minimal smudgesor some improvement in small technical and loading parts, but the basic ideas are good. The ambitious narrative and replayability of the RPG in question, as well as the strategy and the numerous challenges are just some of the ingredients of the Shattered Heaven recipe. All useful elements to make us think that the game may have …. an ace (or more) up its sleeve.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.