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What is alcolock and how does it work

The obligation ofalcohol lock on carsis for people convicted of drunk driving: what it is and how it works.

In the approved bill Tuesday (June 27), from Government on road safety and the delegation for the reform of Traffic Lawsthere is thealcolock.

Alcolock on cars, what it is and how it works, source DeposiPhotosAlcolock on cars, what it is and how it works, source DeposiPhotos

What is alcohollock

L’alcolock it’s a device That block l’ignition of the vehicle in the event of a positive alcohol testt. Above all, it serves to prevent that person from causing accidents.

This is present in the normative European dal 2015come Alcohol interlock system. Many EU countries already use it.

Precisely the device prevents the vehicle from being started if the blood alcohol level is above zero. Every time you sit in the car, the driver will have to undergo this sort of mobile breathalyzer, blowing into it.

How does it work

This tool will be connected to the engine ignition ECU preventing starting if the alcohol level exceeds the legally required level. In short, it is an interesting measure to prevent driving while intoxicated.

According to new Highway Codeholders of driving licenses issued in Italy with respect to whom it is imposed an absolute prohibition to take alcoholic beverages driving will be able to leadon the national territory, motor vehicles of international categories M or N only if the alcohollock device.

The compatibility question

Now let’s move on to compatibility question. The European Union provides that all newly approved cars, starting from July 4, 2022 (and newly registered since 2024), are compatible with the systems alcolock. In Italy, where there is the Europe’s oldest car park in circulation, what measures will be taken?

Again, what if our car is not compatible and we are required to install the device?

Alcolock on cars, what it is and how it works, source DeposiPhotosAlcolock on cars, what it is and how it works, source DeposiPhotos

Well, the intentions are there. The measure would help avoid drunken accidents and all that follows, but the feasibility is complicated.

Let us add that in the European countries often taken as an example, thealcohol is mandatory on trucks, public transport or fleet vans. In short, come on heavily controlled vehicles primarily by owners and managers, but not belonging to private citizens.

In essence, between saying and doing there is a beautiful sea, above all there is a risk that the rules remain only on paper.

Over United Statesfor example, where in 2021 the Biden administration proposed a law that obliges all motorists to equip themselves with a similar device, asking manufacturers to provide for its presence (not just compatibility) within 3 years of the entry into force of the rules .

How much does it cost?

Let’s recap: from 6 July 2022, all newly approved cars must have an interface that allows the installation of the alcohol lock. On older cars, however, it will be clearly more complex.

Yes, but the costs?

Taking the United States as a model, the average installation cost is between 70 and 150 dollars and an average monthly rental price is between 60 and 90 dollars thus arriving at approx $1,000 a year.

Il Belgium beats all: it gets to 3,700 euros a year. While, and portable devices have more accessible costs, we are talking about 100 euros.

How are the car manufacturers equipping themselves?

The official Mercedes Switzerland website reads: “For the so-called Alcolock system, the integrated control of the blood alcohol level, only a standardized interface equipped with suitable wiring is currently required. The control device itself is not yet included in the new directive, since already famous systems based on breath analysis are still relatively easy to circumvent. Therefore, the definitive Alcoholock is not yet available on the market”.

Ultimately, the road is still very long and thought is among the noblest.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.