Su Whatsapp è ora possibile avviare chat anche con un numero non in rubrica thumbnail

Whatsapp introduces chats even with a number not in the address book

On Whatsapp it is now possible to start a chat even with a number not in the thumbnail address book

One of the latest features introduced by WhatsApp it’s about the possibility of start chats with strangers, or with people whose number is not in our address book. This is a convenience that could come in handy in many situations.

How to start a chat with a number not in your address book on WhatsApp

To start a chat with strangers you will need to have WhatsApp updated to the latest version (check on your digital store). Once you download the latest update, that’s it type the phone number of the person we want to message with in the search bar of the app. At that point WhatsApp will show us your account (provided that the entered number uses the messaging app). Once the desired contact has been found, it will be possible to start a chat even if the user’s number is not saved in the address book.

What is it for? What changes from the point of view of privacy?

This new feature, available for both Android and iPhone users, makes using the app for professional purposes quicker and more practical. For example, if we need to contact a customer or supplier for an urgent matter, we can do it directly from WhatsApp without first having to add the number to the address book.

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It changes little from a security point of view: conversations will still be encrypted. It is actually a simple sindulgence in the conversational processeliminating the step that involved necessarily having to save the number before being able to chat.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.