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WhatsApp tests digital payments

After a long wait, the WhatsApp App has finally announced a small pilot program aimed at some users from the United States. These lucky few will now be able to use the Novi digital wallet within the platform. In fact, in the beta update for Android, there are some references to the Novi framework in WhatsApp. In this way, it will be possible to access the digital wallet without commissions, to send and receive money. But let’s find out something more.

WhatsApp: App tests the implementation of the Novi digital wallet

Big news for the WhatsApp App. Stephane Kasriel, Novi’s new boss, and David Marcus have announced that the platform is launching a small test for in-app digital payments in the United States. Apparently, a group of chosen users will be able to send and receive money directly within the chats. For people living in Guatemala, for example, the feature is not yet available. But users can participate in the test through the Novi App. Clearly, this novelty does not change anything in the entire application ecosystem.

WhatsApp New

Ultimately, WhatsApp is just integrating a new digital payment system. This means that calls and messages will continue to be end-to-end encrypted. In any case, it is clear that this is only a test, aimed mostly at a small group of users who use thelatest update of the App for Android and iOS. We therefore do not know if the application can think of introducing a similar function also in Italy. But on the other hand, we don’t even know if it will actually release it in the United States. Of course, for the moment this is an incredibly useful test, especially when we consider that users are expecting a similar function.

It all depends on the outcome of the test, we imagine. But we are already certain that the very idea that the WhatsApp App can imagine such an option has excited users. We included, mind you.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.