Windows 10: REvil update now changes all passwords

Windows 10: REvil update now changes all passwords

REvil is one of the most dangerous ransomware there can be for Windows 10. Now, with the new update, it automatically changes all your passwords

The internet has brought a lot of big changes, but it also carries a lot of risks. Hackers have become one constant worry in our daily life and, especially when shopping online, every time we insert our credit card, we put our entire finances at risk. Viruses, malware, and sneaky web criminals are constantly evolving. The risks of losing your personal information and having strangers take over your computer continue to increase every day.

REvil ransomware: how does it work?

One of the most dangerous methods of accessing confidential user data is the use of the well known ransomware REvil which has recently become even more dangerous. This already terrifying security threat has introduced a new mode of attack and is fully automated. With this ransomware, cybercriminals take control of your computer and essentially hold your digital life hostage until you pay what they ask for. Millions of people have been victims of this type of attack, including large corporations and even the United States government.

Windows 10: REvil update now changes all passwords

REvil uses a Windows 10 backdoor to access the computer and then encrypts all files. The thieves behind the attack then demand a ransom if they want the files to be decrypted and released. REvil adds insult to injury because if the monetary request is not paid immediately, the more time passes, the more the figure doubles. Payment must be made via Bitcoin and if you don’t pay, REvil exposes all personal data to the public.

REvil was dangerous before, but now he has received an incredible update. This new version change user passwords and allows REvil to restart your computer in safe mode, all by himself. This new update allows criminals to completely bypass Windows security features. By entering safe mode, the ransomware cannot be affected by other security systems such as system backups.

How to avoid getting infected?

Recently, a company in the UK was attacked by ransomware and paid hackers to recover their information. They thought it was all over. Two weeks later, they were attacked by the same hackers and had to pay again. Their big mistake was not taking action after being hacked the first time. So here it is what to do before being hacked by ransomware:

  • use great antivirus software that it is reliable and has proven protection against malware, spyware and ransomware;
  • update it continuously so that it can follow the updates of the virsu hand in hand;
  • never trust suspicious links through, for example, emails from unknown senders;
  • always update the operating system, because leaving outdated software and operating systems allows hackers to find a way in;
  • never use public Wi-Fi without protection. In this case, use the appropriate VPN services;
  • always back up important files so that, in the event of a ransomware attack, you will not need to pay anything by having all the main files already backed up.

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Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.