Windows 11: il sottosistema Linux è installabile dal Microsoft Store thumbnail

Windows 11: The Linux subsystem is installable from the Microsoft Store

Windows 11: Linux subsystem is installable from the Microsoft Store thumbnail

Microsoft’s work on his continues Windows Subsystems for Linux (WSL), the Linux subsystem built into Windows. With the launch of Windows 11, in fact, accessing WSL becomes even easier. For users, in fact, there is the possibility of install this component directly from the Microsoft Store, also benefiting from a faster configuration procedure.

The Linux subsystem for Windows is installable from the Microsoft Store

Users with a Windows 11 PC now have the ability to install the Windows Subsystems for Linux (WSL) directly from the Microsoft Store. The subsystem, currently available in “Preview” version“, You can use the Linux 5.10.60 LTS kernel.

The new application downloadable from the Microsoft Store should be available exclusively for Windows 11 users. It is, therefore, a new exclusive application that should not be accessible from Windows 10. For more details on this novelty, you can take a look at the Microsoft’s official developer blog.

The arrival of the app on the Microsoft Store represents further confirmation of Microsoft’s willingness to continue investing in the project. The Linux subsystem, in fact, will continue to represent a reference for developers even with Windows 11.

A video to learn more

From the blog it is possible to learn more about the functioning of the new Linux subsystem thanks to the video published by Craig Loewen, Microsoft Program Manger. Here is the video:

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.