Con le mappe di Instagram ora è più facile trovare i luoghi desiderati thumbnail

With Instagram maps it is now easier to find the places you want

With Instagram maps it is now easier to find the places you want thumbnail

Interesting update for the Instagram App, which improves map options so as to allow users to “discover popular local businesses” nearby. As announced by Mosseri, the map will show a list of nearby places, allowing you to see posts about a certain place or view only certain types of activities.

The Instagram App makes it easier to find a business on the map

Accessing the maps of the Instagram App is simple. If someone tags a place in a post or a Story, just tap on the tag and select the “see location” item to access the location of the place on the map. And moving around the territory, the application will also allow you to see what is actually nearby. Or, if you prefer, you can search for a place – or even an entire city – in the “Explore” section. By touching the search result, then, you have the possibility to view it directly on the map.

Also, after searching for a specific area of ​​the territory you can use filters per narrow the results search and view only restaurants, bars, parks or other types of places. Or you can save locations on the map so you can view them when you need them. In short, the Instagram App will help us never get lost – almost like Google Maps has done so far -. And considering that the maps were launched on the platform last year, it is now evident that they are becoming available to all users. Word of Adam Mosseri.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.