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World Password Day, tips for a secure password

Every year, the first Thursday of May is celebrated on World Password Day, a day aimed at making users aware of using secure passwords to take care of their data. If you look at the most used passwords, however, you realize that they are far from secure: in fact, predictable passwords are often used and therefore easily “within the reach of hackers”. According to Nordpass, the most popular password in the world in 2022 was the word “Password”, while in Italy it was preferred to use the numbers “123456”.

World Password Day: How important is it to protect your passwords?

It is therefore necessary to remember how important it is to protect your passwords and to put into practice the necessary security measures to avoid cyber attacks. HWGa company specializing in the provision of managed services and consultancy in the cyber security field, highlights three fundamental points for creating a secure and hacker-proof password.

Three useful tips to keep hackers at bay

One of the most common suggestions, for example, is change your password frequently. It may seem like a superfluous and tiring activity because it involves remembering a different word every time, but the secret lies in using the same pattern, but changing the combinations. This will make it easier to remember.

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Another tip is certainly to use one for each platform different password. The problem with using a common password for all applications is that hackers, once discovered, will be able to access any of your information, putting sensitive data at risk.

Finally, a great ally is two-factor authentication which allows you to have more control of the situation thanks to the request for access before being able to enter any application. This technology can combine two or more independent credentials, overcoming the structural limit of the use of traditional access keys.

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The word to Stefano Brusaferro, Sales & Marketing Director of HWG

“Most organizations spend large amounts of time and invest large sums of money to set up software and sophisticated equipment that ensures a high degree of protection against cyber threats. The truth is that to protect your data you need to start from the basics and therefore from choosing a secure password,” he says Stefano Brusaferro, Sales & Marketing Director di HWG. “Following small steps when creating a new password is the first step in avoiding a secure attack by cybercriminals, who are always lurking in search of targets to hit.”

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.