Giornata Mondiale del Sonno: Amazon celebra il “dolce dormire” con prodotti must-have thumbnail

World Sleep Day: Amazon celebrates sweet sleep with must-have products

World Sleep Day: Amazon celebrates

Amazon celebrate the upcoming World Sleep Day with a series of tips for sleeping well.

World Sleep Day on Amazon

How many people happen to turn over in bed without being able to fall asleep? Yet an adequate night’s rest is essential to feel good and Amazon, for World Sleep Day, has thought of a series of must-have products for a “sweet sleep”.

Among the accessories available, we cannot fail to mention pillowcases and soft sheets, warm blankets, comfortable pajamas, but also ergonomic pillows and eye masks, ideal for contrasting the lights and resting adequately at home and when travelling.

There is also one available on Amazon wide selection of relaxing herbal teas and essential oilseven in spray, not to mention the technology: for example, an ideal purchase for sleeping well could be a metronome to fall asleep faster or comfortable bluetooth headphones.

Also Alexa is by our side of Amazon users to help them improve their sleep cycle and quality. For example you can set a reminder at the desired time to ask to dim the lights in the house or adjust the thermostat, or you can take advantage of Alexa for a session mindfulness saying, “Alexa, start my meditation.”

Amazon’s voice assistant can also play from Amazon Music different playlists such as “Deep Sleep”, “Dream Time” or “Relaxing Rain Sounds”, while for the little ones he can tell stories by asking “Alexa, tell a bedtime story”.

Here are all of Amazon’s suggestions for re-embracing “sweet sleep”:

  • Maria Stella Rossi

    Serial cookie eater and greedy for pizza, I’ve always loved writing, even before learning how to hold a pen properly between my fingers. I am a great fan of books, TV series, films, video games and cooking, while my secret dream is to be able to capture and tame a Night Fury. But even continuing to write is not so bad as a desire.

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.