WhatsApp richiamata dall'UE in merito al trattamento dei dati degli utenti thumbnail

You now have two days to delete a message from WhatsApp

You now have two days to delete a message from WhatsApp thumbnail

Have you ever sent an embarrassing message to your ex or your boss, and didn’t have time to delete it before he read it? Let’s imagine so – after all, who doesn’t happen to confuse the recipient in the messaging apps ?! -. That’s why we are more than happy to give you this news: theWhatsApp app has finally announced that users will have just over two days to delete a message they sent by mistake.

WhatsApp: App for just over two days to delete messages

“Are you rethinking your message? You will now have a little over 2 days to delete messages from chats after pressing ‘Send’ “. So the WhatsApp App announced on Twitter the new function released to users, who will now have more than 48 hours to delete a message sent by mistake – voluntary or not -. A remarkable upgrade if we consider that, until now, the platform only offered one hour to cancel the mailing.

To try out the new feature, we suggest you open a single or group chat, and tap the message you want to try to delete. Click “Delete”, and then choose an option between “Delete for all” or “Delete for me”. In any case, before going through this whole process it is important that you take one thing into consideration: all recipients must be updated to the latest version of WhatsApp for it to actually work – so you will not receive any notification if the message is not deleted -.

A useful feature for users, thus helping the App to gain a slight advantage over Apple’s iMessage service. After all, the Cupertino company does not yet offer a similar option. And it is clear that we should wait for the next OS update to see it. In the meantime, therefore, the WhatsApp App will be the only one to offer two days to delete a message. Just enough to erase what you wrote to your ex in a moment of weakness.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.