Addio a Letizia Battaglia: la famosa fotografa muore all'età di 87 anni thumbnail

Farewell to Letizia Battaglia: the famous photographer dies at the age of 87

He dies at the age of 87 years old the famous photographer Letizia Battagliathe one who told Palermo during the Mafia war and that has revolutionized the world of photojournalism.

Letizia Battaglia: the famous photographer dies at 87

Letizia Battaglia tech princess

His career began with the newspaper Timeat the age of 34: the only woman in the midst of male colleagues. The following year he moved to Milan and here he began to photograph and collaborate with numerous publications. In 1974 he then returned to his homeland, in Palermo, where he created the agency Photographic Information together with Franco Zecchin.

Letizia Battaglia was one of the first people to document the years of lead of his city, snapping photos of the Mafia crimes to inform the public and citizens, and to stir consciences. His portfolio contains years and years of history: in it we find thehegemony of the Corleonesi clan and also the shots at the Zagarella hotel with Salvo mafia extractors with Giulio Andreotti.

Battle was there first personthe first photojournalist to reach the place where he was murdered, in 1980, Piersanti Mattarella. The same year, the famous shot of the Little Girl with the Balloonin the district of Cala, goes around the world.

It then becomes one internationally renowned photographer. Letizia Battaglia, however, was not only the photographer of the Mafia. Her photos, often in black and white, tell Palermo in its misery and its splendor. Each shot contains a particular aspect of the city: the gaze of a woman or a child, the neighborhoods of the city, the isolated streets, parties and mourning. The everyday life of Palermo.

Battle was also the first European woman to receive, in 1985 the Eugene Smith Prize, in New York, the international recognition established to remember the photographer of Life. The photographer also won the Mother Johnson Achievement for Life award in 1999.

After years of illness, however, Letizia Battaglia passes away. An incredible woman who leaves a huge void in our country. Our deepest condolences to the family.