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A look at the devices that tell time through time

Are you also curious about what other timekeeping devices people use and what they used to be like?

Time is one of the most precious entities in the world. You can’t go back in time and go to a new one. But have you ever thought about how you measured time then? You’ve heard of sundials, wrist watches, and digital watches. But if you’re also curious about what other timekeeping devices people use and what they used to be like, you’ve come to the right place. This article will show you how people measure time using devices, from the simplest to the most complicated.

Different timekeeping tools that people use

Sundial or shadow clock

The ancients were smart because they relied heavily on the sun to tell the time and distinguish between night and day. In ancient times, the sundial was the primary timekeeping device and evolved from shadow clocks to what we now know as-is. The Egyptian device was the first and still serves as the basis for our watches today. There was also a T-square, a new type of shadow clock. He measured time by the shadow cast by his crossbeam and headed for the east coast in the morning. Then it moves and turns at noon to project its silhouette in the opposite direction.

Water clocks

You’re not alone if you’ve ever wondered how an antique water clock works to tell the time. To put it simply, this apparatus has two parts: inflow and outflow. The inflow has two containers where the water drips from one to the other. Only the measurements are inside the second container, where observers tell the duration by measuring how much the water level has changed. Water continuously flows out of the container. When you mark the inner container with measurement lines, the outflow works. For example, if it takes an hour for the water level in the container to drop one inch, a drop of three inches indicates that three hours have passed.


The hourglass is another popular one. This type of device is usually associated with a large body shape, but it was an ancient time-reading device that was extremely useful at the time. Unlike the water and sundial method, which is quite complicated, this one is quite simple. You need to wait until the sand has moved into the next container and an hour has passed. Many industries, including the sea, churches and even cooking used it then. This device is also known thanks to Father Time, an elderly bearded man who keeps time by holding this type of device in his hand. Even today, some people prefer to use this method.


Big Ben is the most famous pendulum clock in the world, and it’s still in use today. This type of watch is timeless and was the first timekeeping device to provide people with accurate time. The mechanics of this revolve around how harmonic oscillators can predict the weather we are enjoying. Most of these are made of large brass and are usually solid.

Modern watches

The evolution of the modern watch is also an example of lifelong innovation. In the 1920s, English watchmaker John Harwood created the first automatic watch. Since then, the development of this type has already become boring. Big wristwatch brands like Cartier and Rolex offer people the luxury of manual to digital and automatic watches. And now, modern smartwatches like the clock Watch D Huawei they are the product of a most extraordinary evolution.

To sum up

The evolution of timekeeping is not something that happens overnight. Consequently, we should recognize the value of time and consider the effort people put into providing us with accurate results.