Activision: 1000 dipendenti firmano la petizione contro Bobby Kotick thumbnail

Activision: 1000 employees sign petition against Bobby Kotick

The scandal Activision Blizzard it shows no sign of diminishing in intensity and in the past few hours over 1000 company employees have signed a petition for ask for the resignation of Bobby Kotick, the current CEO of the company. The manager is accused of having been aware for years of the toxic conditions that characterized the work environment and of having participated in several episodes of harassment towards female employees.

Activision: petition for the resignation of Bobby Kotick reaches 1000 signatures

The board of directors of the company recently stood up for Bobby Kotick, but for the employees this move hasn’t gone down at all. Enraged at the prospect that the leader of Activision could get away with it first publicly expressed their indignation and then created a petition to ask immediate resignation of the CEO.

The initiative was successful, given that in a short time the beauty of 1000 signatures were reached, in a cross action that involved the Activision studios including Blizzard Entertainment, King, Infinity Ward, Raven Software, Toys for Bob and many others.

Here is what you read in the document:

“We the undersigned no longer have confidence in Bobby Kotick’s leadership as CEO of Activision Blizzard. The information that has emerged about his behavior and practices in the management of our companies is contrary to the culture and integrity that we expect from our leadership and is directly in conflict with the initiatives undertaken by our colleagues. We ask that Bobby Kotick be removed from the position of CEO of Activision Blizzard and that the shareholders be able to select the new CEO without the contribution of Bobby, who we know has a substantial part of the voting rights of the shareholders ”.

The timely and furious employees did not fail to attract the attention of the great players in the videogame industry. Particularly Phil Spencer, boss of Xbox, said that Microsoft will consider whether to terminate relations with Actvision Blizzard in the future.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.