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AI: the trends of the coming years

The most discussed topic of recent years is certainly the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in numerous fields

Artificial intelligence, or artificial intelligence (AI), is a much discussed topic in recent periods and which has great growth prospects in the future, as it is expected to become the foundation of the country’s innovation and economic growth.

Its implications extend far beyond the technology sector, impacting business models as well. Investor attention has already shifted towards this field, recognizing its potential to generate significant returns.

The investment opportunities are not just in its design and infrastructure, but extend to a wide range of sectors where businesses are leveraging this technology to improve their operations.

Information sites specialized in the tech sector, such as UniverseIT, are pervaded by news of all kinds and ready to always stay updated on the matter, recognizing the imprint of AI in the creation of a new future.

What is AI

Let’s start from the basics: what do we mean when we talk about artificial intelligence? It is basically a technology that gives computers the ability to imitate some of the functions of the human brain, such as thinking, learning and making decisions, through some specific algorithms.

There are different types, each with specific characteristics and applications. Machine Learning, for example, is one of the main subsets, where computers learn from experience through algorithms and statistical models.

It’s an approach that allows machines to improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed for each individual action. A notable example is virtual assistants such as Siri and Alexa, which use neural networks to simulate human knowledge acquisition.

Deep Learning is another form of machine learning that is based on training neural networks with numerous layers. This approach aims to mimic the complex structure of the human brain, allowing machines to perform more advanced tasks such as facial recognition and autonomous driving.

Finally, another important area is generative AI, which uses intelligent data processing to create new original content such as text, images and videos. We are hearing a lot about the latter, with the Chat GPT case.

How the AI ​​market will grow in the coming years

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) market is poised for significant expansion in the coming years, driven by a number of key factors that point to increasingly widespread adoption and growing impact across multiple industries.

Forecasts indicate, for example, that by 2027, this market could reach a staggering value of $407 billion, marking a notable increase from $86.9 billion in 2022.

One of the most significant trends is then represented by the increase in global GDP as a result of this growth, estimated at 7% by 2033: a figure that highlights how AI is a fundamental driver of the economy in the current scenario, on a global level .

This will greatly influence certain sectors, such as the automotive industry which expects a significant increase in self-driving cars, with an estimated 10% of driverless vehicles by 2030.

This consequently implies an increase in demand for technologies like this also in the transport sector and a radical transformation of the way we conceive mobility.

However, society is facing a significant change and this means a readjustment of many structures and habits. The massive introduction of this technology is above all leading to the fear of the loss of some jobs.

It is therefore important to address certain issues with adequate governance and particular attention to the training and retraining of the workforce, so as to make AI an enriching tool and not a threat.