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Amazon denies accepting bitcoin as a payment

A few days ago Amazon denied a media report saying the e-commerce giant was in the process of accept bitcoin payments before the end of the year. Let’s find out what else Amazon has revealed regarding this news.

Amazon and bitcoins? The company denies

A recent rumor has revealed that Amazon was ready to accept bitcoins as a form of payment, by the end of 2021, on its e-commerce platform. This news had led the cryptocurrency to hit $ 40,500, before returning again to around $ 37,000.

The rumor was though almost immediately denied by some internal sources to Amazon. Sources revealed that Amazon’s interest is there but, at the moment, they have no intention of exploring this field. In fact, an Amazon spokesperson revealed:

“Despite our interest in space, the recent speculations following our specific plans for cryptocurrencies are not true. We remain focused on exploring what this could be for customers shopping on Amazon. ”

So, despite the company’s interest in bitcoin, at the moment Amazon deny that you want to use this element as a payment method on its e-commerce platform.

Also a few days ago a site had published an article in which it announced that Amazon had accepted the cryptocurrency and was creating its own currency, suitable for Amazon customers. According to the announcement the coin would arrive in 2022. However, the company revealed that that information was invented.

It should be noted that although the number of companies that accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment online is increasing, there is still no certainty that bitcoins are really what customers need. At the moment we just have to wait and observe how the situation will develop.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.