Si inizia a parlare di Android 14: ecco quando partirà la beta thumbnail

Android 14: that’s when the beta will start

We start talking about Android 14: that's when the beta thumbnail will start

Android 14 it will be the next version of Google’s mobile operating system. As usual, the release of this version will be anticipated by a long beta test period with the release of the Developer Preview which will be followed by an increasingly complex test program that will lead to the arrival of the stable version. The first beta of Android 14 may already have a date.

Will Android 14 enter beta testing in April 2023?

It should be next month of April 2023 the period of rthe release of the first beta version of Android 14, a new evolution of Google’s mobile operating system. This is what emerges by analyzing the new FAQ of the Android beta program which clarifies how the updates of Android 13 beta will end in March 2023 and subsequently we will move to Android 14.

Will the beta be anticipated by a Developer Preview?

Note that the first Developer Preview could arrive as early as February 2023. In any case, the release of the stable version is still far away. The new version of Android should enter into rollout, as regards its stable version, only during the next summer, following clear and defined timelines. More details on the issue will most likely arrive in the coming weeks. Google should have already started the development of the new version of its operating system for some time.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.