Apple elimina Unjected, il "Tinder per No Vax" thumbnail

Apple eliminates Unjected, the “Tinder for No Vax”

Apple removed the app Unjected dall’App Store for violation of the guidelines regarding disinformation regarding Covid-19: the app acted as “Tinder per No Vax“. A virtual meeting place for “like-minded people, who support medical autonomy and free speech,” according to the description on the App Store prior to removal.

Apple removes Unjected from the App Store, the dating app for No Vax

The news of the removal comes from a Bloomberg report, which delved into the past of the app until its launch in May 2021. for No Vax in search of a soul mate, with the same ideas about vaccinations. There was the possibility to create a profile, find a possible match in a similar way to how it happens on Tinder or other dating apps and even send messages to get to know each other.

app-unjected-apple store-minThe Unjected app logo

Even the launch date doesn’t seem to have come out of nowhere: around the same time in the United States Tinder, Bumble, and other services have begun to promote vaccination, providing platform benefits to those taking the Covid vaccine.

Recently the app also had implemented a social feed, similar to the Facebook Wall or Twitter feed. Which had pointed it out to Google Play. Which highlighted posts about fake vaccine news. Like the fact that they contained “experimental mRNA modifying genes”, that they were “biological weapons” and that they used “microchip nanotechnology” to connect people to 5G networks. All hoaxes and all potentially dangerous. Google had left on July 16 two weeks to Unjected to remove posts.

The co-founder Shelby Thomson he replied that “we had to walk the tightrope of censorship” to avoid being thrown out. So they removed the social feed. Which instead had remained on the App Store. But Cupertino noted that the app “encouraged users to avoid certain words to avoid detention.” A misleading behavior that involved exclusion from the platform.

The application therefore is limited on Google Play and banned from the App Store. No Vax’s Tinder is disappearing a couple of months after its debut. But it is impossible not to read in this software a symptom of a much bigger problem.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.