Apple si avvicina al traguardo dei 2 miliardi di dispositivi attivi thumbnail

Apple is approaching the milestone of 2 billion active devices

Apple approaches the milestone of 2 billion active devices thumbnail

Apple’s never-ending growth continues and the company has just achieved a new record of active devices. The confirmation came from the CEO, Tim Cook, who, during the conference call with investors, relating to the presentation of the record results of 2021, confirmed that Apple is approaching the milestone of 2 million active devices.

Record numbers for Apple: nearly 2 billion active devices

After the growth recorded during the fourth quarter of 2021, with over 150 million new devices, I am now 1.8 billion active Apple devices worldwide. This is a substantial increase compared to the previous figure, communicated exactly one year ago, of 1.65 billion. The company considers any of its products that have used one of Apple’s services in the past 90 days to be an “active device”. A wide range of Apple-branded hardware products are included in the statistic.

Will the target be reached in 2023?

With this growth factor, the company should reach 2 billion active devices worldwide in 2023. The target could be reached as early as the beginning of next year or, at the latest, in the following months. The company does not seem willing to stop its run and, thanks to the incredible economic resources available, is preparing a further expansion of its range of devices. We’ll see what surprises 2022 has in store for the future of Apple’s range.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.