È disponibile il nuovo Open Source Report 2021 di Arduino thumbnail

The new Arduino Open Source Report 2021 is available

The new Arduino Open Source Report 2021 is available thumbnail

Open Source Report 2021

Arduino has recently published the new Open Source Report 2021. The report captures what has happened over the past 12 months in relation to the development of open source solutions. It is, in fact, a detailed report that, step by step, summarizes and illustrates all the innovations recorded during a 2021, a year defined as “one of the most demanding and productive years in the history of Arduino in terms of open source development. “.

The new Arduino Open Source Report 2021 is available

Alessandro Ranellucci – Head of Maker Business, Open Source & Community, regarding the new report, underlines: “The Arduino Open Source report for 2021 contains a retrospective on the development of the Arduino open source ecosystem over the last year.”. The report allows you to follow the work of the Arduino team over the last year. Furthermore, according to Ranellucci, 2021 was a year characterized by “many surprising achievements, both in terms of new releases and in the maintenance of existing assets”. Note that the report also contains key contributions from the community that supported the project.

How to download the report

The new Arduino Open Source Report 2021 can be consulted and possibly downloaded directly online. For more details or to read the entire report, please refer to Arduino official site. It is about 30 pages characterized by a lot of information dedicated to the open source sector.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.