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Apple is preparing to welcome third-party app stores to iOS 17

Apple would be starting preparations to welcome third-party app stores on iOS 17, opening up your operating system to new software like never before. The decision would come to meet the new rules dictated by Digital Markets and Services Act dell’Unione Europea.

Apple ready to welcome third-party app stores to iOS 17

The news comes from Mark Gurman of Bloomberg, Cupertino expert, who explains that the news should come with iOS 17 next year. In fact, all companies that offer digital services will have to comply with the Digital Markets and Services Act entro il 2024 to operate in Europe.

The law will require several changes to Apple. First, the opening up of one’s mobile ecosystem. Apple will be able to continue to manage its own App Store and charge 15 or 30% commissions from developers to exploit its infrastructure, but it will have to allow to install other app stores to give users the choice.

apple appstore

Apple has repeatedly opposed these changes, citing security risks. So Gurman believes that Apple could set up a system of control over apps installed outside the App Store. And Cupertino would be considering whether to request a percentage for these extra controls to developers.

Apple will also have to manage other changes to open up its ecosystem. For example, it should allow other developers to use iPhone NFC for payments, not just Apple Pay. And perhaps it could consider giving access to the Where’s network to its rivals, such as Tile.

However, according to Gurman there are some points on which Apple would not be ready to compromise. As the integration ofRCS in iMessagewhich wants to remain an app especially for users to communicate with iPhone.

Gurman also points out that Apple would be testing these changes so that they are ready for all markets, not just the European one. But it could decide to apply them only where the law requires it. L’US Open App Markets Actsimilar to the European one, has not yet been approved.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.