Apple pronta a passare alla porta USB-C thumbnail

Apple ready to switch to the USB-C port

Apple ready to switch to USB-C thumbnail port

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has got us quite used to sneak peeks of a high degree of interest, but this time around, he really outdid himself. In fact, Apple is reportedly ready to ditch its proprietary Lightning port for replace it with USB-C. A novelty that Apple seems willing to introduce in production in 2023coinciding with the launch of the iPhone 15.

Apple: USB-C will replace the Lightning port

With a tweet launched just now, Ming-Chi Kuo announced that Apple will replace its Lightning port with USB-C. This, in fact, “could improve the transfer and charging speed of the iPhone in hardware projects, but the details of the final specifications still depend on iOS support”. A revelation that amazes, but not too much. After all, for some years now there have been rumors of the Cupertino company’s intention to adopt the USB-C port also for the iPhone. For the moment, in fact, this has been introduced on the most recent iPad models, but has not been seen on other devices.

The pressure from the EU to introduce a universal charger has certainly convinced Apple to consider a USB-C port for its phones. But so far the company hasn’t confirmed any decisions yet. Indeed, it must be considered that for a long time it proved hostile to this hypothesis, so much so that it preferred the production of iPhone portless. But if Kuo’s rumors were true, then this would mean Apple is reviewing its production plans. In any case, let us remember that these are only conjectures. Until the company confirms this decision, it’s hard to believe it will actually happen.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.