Apple Watch potrebbe avere un sensore per l'idratazione thumbnail

Apple Watch may have a hydration sensor

Apple is investing heavily in sensors for the greeting of Apple Watch and seems to have found the solution to monitor the hydration level. Starting with a device from a supplier, it has filed a patent that can keep the fluids in our body under control. Using only our sweat. But we will have to wait a long time before testing it on our wrist.

In the future, Apple Watch may have a hydration sensor

Recently, Rockley Photonics announced a system to monitor the glucose level in the blood that is not invasive. No needles, no hassles. A sensor that, given the company’s long relationship with Cupertino, it seems destined to arrive on Apple Watch in the near future. But the sensor of Rockley it can do much more, including monitoring your hydration level.

Building on that technology, Apple patented a special system for measuring hydration. Which as he explains in the documents, is a fundamental indicator for a person’s health. “The hydration level has a significant impact on the user’s health. Dehydration can limit performance and is associated with several detrimental health consequences, including heat stroke. Drinking too much, on the other hand, can result in hypothermia, fatigue, confusion, coma and even death ”.

Apple Watch 7

You have heard it from every PE teacher: hydration is important, even Apple knows that. But until now to measure hydration it was necessary to “test fluids, such as urine or blood, of the user”, using “analysis sensors that react chemically with the test fluids”.

Many of these sensors are inconvenient and can only be used once. While the patent filed by Alexander W. Williams it is quite another thing. “A clock can be positioned to receive and measure the electrical properties of the sweat produced by the user who uses the watch “. So, analyzing the sweat electrolytes, can understand the user’s hydration level.

Difficult to see this hydration analysis in the Apple Watch Series 7. But in the future, Apple’s smartwatch health analysis capabilities may improve, using our sweat.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.