FaceTime in realtà virtuale sul nuovo visore di Apple thumbnail

Apple will announce the AR / VR headset in early 2023

Apple will announce the AR / VR headset in early 2023 thumbnail

Apple should start producing your own visore AR/VR in the first quarter of 2023with an announcement that it might arrive already in April. After several postponements, the Apple seems ready to enter augmented and virtual reality.

Apple will announce its AR / VR headset in early 2023

A DigiTimes report suggests Apple’s suppliers are gearing up for the next mass production augmented and virtual reality viewer designed in Cupertinor. The headset, which Apple apparently showed to some board members last May, is on its way.

The report speaks of a production in the first three months of 2023, and then a launch in April. Dates that correspond to those assumed by MingChi Kuothe analyst who claims Apple will announce the product between January and the second quarter of 2023.

apple viewer switch from vr to ar min

Kuo also explained that the strength of the headset will be the ability to switch from augmented to virtual reality with great ease. And we also know that Apple has registered the names “Reality“Linked to its brand: it stands for get an “Apple Reality” set? Or will he opt for Apple Glass or something similar?

The arrival should however take place in a limited version: it is thought that Apple intends to produce no more than 700 thousand copies in the first yearworking with the company Pegatron for assembly. This is because the first viewer of the Apple will cost a lot: we talk about over 3000 dollars, with a cheaper version that should arrive no earlier than 2025.

In short: the Apple’s AR / VR revolution at first it will involve a few people. But it could give us an idea of ​​the future of the Cupertino company. What do you think about it? Are you looking forward to this announcement? Let us know in the comments.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.