Céleste Thomasson è il nuovo Direttore Audit & Rischio di Renault Group thumbnail

Céleste Thomasson is the new Audit & Risk Director of Renault Group

With an announcement released today, Renault Group formalized the appointment of Celeste Thomasson as Director of Audit & Risk of the company. The appointment will be effective from 9 January 2023.

“The arrival of Céleste Thomasson is part of the changes affecting the Audit, Risk, Ethics and Compliance department – ​​reports a press release from the company – with the creation of two distinct poles, Audit & Risk and Ethics & Compliance, to speed up the implementation of the decisions adopted in these corporate areas”.

Who is Céleste Thomasson, new Director of Audit & Risk at Renault

Céleste Thomasson’s career began in 1992 as an attorney at Baker & McKenzie in Los Angeles. In 1999 he works for Laboratoires Fournier at the beginning of the new millennium, in 2022, he joins the Safran Group, as legal manager. In July 2008, she was promoted to Senior VP and General Counsel of Safran USA and, subsequently, Vice President of Legal Affairs of Safran.

In January 2014, she became President and CEO of MorphoTrak (Safran subsidiary) and, in February 2018, a member of the Steering Committee of Zodiac Aerospace. CEO of Safran Seats Great Britain in January 2019, she is appointed in 2020 Executive Vice President, Secretary General and Chairman of the Ethics Committee of the Safran Group. At the beginning of 2022, Céleste Thomasson joins the Geodis group, becoming its Secretary General and member of the Executive Committee, in charge of the legal, insurance, compliance and audit areas.

unnamedCeleste Thomasson

With the new appointment will be responsible for support the transformation of the Group in line with the Renaulution strategic plan and to identify the axes of progress in the corporate functions and subsidiaries, in France and in the countries where the Group operates. He will also be responsible for export compliance.

Didier Wisselmannthe current Director of Audit, Risk, Ethics and Compliance, will take on the role of Head of Group Ethics & Compliance activities and will continue to report to François Roger, Executive Vice President Human Resources, Work Environment and Organization of Renault Group.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.