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Change at the top for MediaWorld Italia

MediaWorld Italia announces a change at the top, with Guido Monferrini who becomes Chief Executive Officer Italy while Luca Bradaschia will hold the role of CEO for MediaMarkt Iberia. The new charges will become active on January 1, 2023.

MediaWorld Italia, change at the top for the company

With over 5,000 collaborators, an e-commerce site and 123 stores throughout the country, MediaWorld plays an important role in the world of technology. It’s part of MediaMarkSaturn Retail Group and many choose it to buy smartphones, tablets and more.

Guido Monferrini, formerly Executive Vice President of MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group (MMSRG) and currently Chief Executive Officer Property Management & Concept, he becomes CEO of MediaWorld Italia. He takes the place of Luca Bradaschiawhich instead becomes becoming CEO of MediaMarkt Iberia.

1.Guido Monferrini Chief Executive Officer of MediaWorld Italy minGuido Monferrini (left) and Luca Bradaschia (right)

Guido Monferrini he comments: “I am also proud to take over the leadership of Italy, a lively and stimulating country. In 2023, the market promises to be challenging, but once again talent and teamwork will make the difference in maintaining our leadership in electronics in Italy. The attention and satisfaction of our customers from an omnichannel perspective are and will always be at the heart of our strategies.”

Luca Bradaschia he explains: “These years in Italy have been a fantastic experience, of great value for my human and professional journey, which I will treasure for the challenge that awaits me in Spain. I want to thank the whole team for the work they have done, congratulating them on the great results they have achieved and wishing them all the best of luck for their future successes”.

A new team for Italy

Monferrini has already acted as CEO in Italy from 2017 to 2020, to then become Executive Vice President Europe for Iberia, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg and in 2020 he joined the executive board of MediaMarkt Saturn Retail Group with the international role Of Chief Commercial Officer.

Moreover, Vittorio Buonfiglio, formerly Chief Executive Officer of MediaMarkt Switzerland, from April 2023 he assumes the role of Chief Operating Officer and Board Member for Italy. So he joins Marco MazzantiChief Customer Officer, e Emanuele Cosimelli, Chief Financial Officer.

“It is a privilege for me to welcome Vittorio to the Italian Board, a great professional with outstanding human qualities who will add value to our team” he concludes Guido Monferrini.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.