Comau, l'impegno per la formazione di giovani rifugiati attraverso la tecnologia thumbnail

Comau, the commitment to train young refugees through technology

With the aim of promoting the updating and professional integration of young refugees and migrants, Commas has joined the educational projects of Powercodersthe software development academy that since 2017 offers talented students of different nationalities training programs and internships in the IT sector, in collaboration with companies from all over the world.

With Comau, refugees acquire new digital skills

In particular, as of February 2023, Comau is welcoming into its team ICTin the headquarters of Grugliasco (TO), a young woman from Bhutan it’s a boy Indian. After completing a 3-month training course with Powercoders, the two students will complete a 6-month paid internship in the Comau Information & Communication Technology institution, where they will become part of innovative project teams focused on Business Analytics e Cyber Security.

Thanks to this educational path, the young participants will be able to acquire new digital skills, becoming experts in the use of the main web programming languages, to which is added training aimed at enhancing soft skills and transversal skills, which are essential today to successfully enter the world of work.

“Comau strongly believes in the importance of inclusion initiatives as a fundamental part of its commitment to social responsibility,” he said Stefano Boscolo Bozza, Chief Information Officer. “This project represents concrete proof that technology and digital innovation can become social tools to facilitate professional opportunities for talented people around the world. Both the initiative and the collaboration with Powercoders offer an enrichment opportunity for our company, thanks to the contribution of cultural diversity and individual uniqueness. These principles are essential for Comau’s corporate culture and for defining strategies and action plans.”

no racism

Comau was born as a Machine Tools Consortium

Il consortium is formed by the same engineers and companies as Torino who contributed to the construction of the historic automobile plant Volga in Russia. When in 1966 the Soviet authorities decide to build a state-of-the-art factory from scratch, they turn to a group of engineers from the Turin area, who must overcome a long series of obstacles – from identifying the ideal plant layout to how in which the car to be designed would have withstood the freezing Russian winters. One after another, the engineers solve all these problems, creating a system described as “unprecedented”. Back in Italy, they decide to combine their skills to create a new company, which would later become known throughout the world under the name Comau.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.