Convergenze lancia la nuova app HOVIO thumbnail

Convergenze launches the new HOVIO app

Convergenze launches the new HOVIO thumbnail app

Convergenze SpA, an integrated technology operator active in the telecommunications and 100% green energy sectors, has developed lto the new HOVIO app, acronym for I have a voice on the internet everywhere. This application allows you to configure and activate a fixed number on cellularAnd. This way you can communicate using your smartphone’s Internet network or any Wi-Fi connection. The new HOVIO app and its service represent a development opportunity for the company’s TLC BU.

Convergenze launches the new HOVIO app to have a fixed number on your smartphone

HOVIO is the first app developed by Convergenze as an OTT (“Over the Top), ie a provider of content and services distributed via the Internet connection. The application is characterized as a “open” service and will therefore be accessible to everyone and not just to Convergenze customers. Note that it is possible to download the app, completely free of charge, on both Android and iOS devices. The configuration takes place in a few steps, with the support of the dedicated web page.

The company comment

Rosario Pingaro, Chief Executive Officer and President of Convergenze, he commented on the launch of the new application: “HOVIO makes it possible to combine freedom of movement and traceability, allowing users to maintain their personal and work contacts in any place where there is an internet connection. Convergenze’s research and development team has always developed smart and easy-to-use technological solutions that improve daily life thanks to innovations in services, and we are sure that HOVIO is one of them “.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.