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Driving license renewal 2023: costs, documents and all the information

You are on a journey down the road of life, and the time has come for your driver’s license to be renewed. We understand how intricate a license renewal may seem, but don’t worry: we’re here to guide you through every step in a simple and clear way. In 2023, the driving license renewal process has become smoother thanks to digitalisation, but it is still essential to know every detail. Take a breath of fresh air and follow us in this complete guide in which we will explain and analyze, point by point, everything that needs to be done and the procedure to be followed to ensure that this procedure is completed.

Driving license renewal 2023: costs, documents and all the information

Document Preparation | License renewal 2023

The road to renewal begins with the collection of necessary documents. Make sure you have on hand:

  • Your current and valid ID
  • Expired driving license or statement of loss, if required
  • The tax code
  • A passport photo 40×33 mm
  • Any medical certificates, if you have any particular medical conditions or have to drive with glasses

Driving license renewal 2023: costs, documents and all the information

Reservation and payment | License renewal 2023

Now is the time to book an appointment at an ACI office or driving school to renew your 2023 license. This appointment is essential, as it will allow you to present your documents and start the renewal process. Remember that costs may vary depending on your situation. It is advisable to check the precise rates, which are generally around 100-150 euros.

An important novelty: from 14 February 2022, it is no longer possible to make payments via paper slips at the Civil Motorization. Payment must be made online through the platform PagoPA, accessible via Spid from the Motorist’s Portal. You can also pay at a bank using the Cbill service or go to commercial activities that have an agreement with the public administration payment system, such as tobacconists, pharmacies and supermarkets.

Driving license renewal 2023: costs, documents and all the information

Medical visit | License renewal 2023

Are you ready for the medical visit? This step is essential to ensure that you are physically and mentally fit to drive. You can contact a local ASL, a doctor from the Ministry of Health or other specific structures, such as the doctors of the State Railways or the State Police. Once the visit has passed, the doctor will send the necessary documentation electronically to the Ministry.

After completing the medical examination, you will have to wait for the positive response. If all went well, the doctor will provide you with a receipt confirming its validity which will be valid only in Italy and until the new driving license arrives. The Ministry will send your new driving license to the address you indicated. You can also opt for a different destination, other than your residence.

Driving license renewal 2023: costs, documents and all the information

Importance of renewal

Remember that renewing your license before it expires is crucial to avoid heavy penalties. Driving with an expired license can result in significant fines, which vary depending on how long it has expired. Furthermore, the authorities can withdraw the expired license as an additional penalty.

You are now informed about all aspects of the driving license renewal in 2023. Keep in mind that while it may seem complex, it is a manageable process if you follow the steps carefully. Digitization has simplified many procedures, and with the correct documentation and accurate information, you will be ready to drive again with confidence and peace of mind. Have a good trip!

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