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Eliseo Chiarelli, Cuore: the album of rebirth

Music has incredible strength. It keeps us afloat in difficult times, as Eliseo Chiarelli demonstrates with his album Cuore

The long-awaited day has arrived: the Eliseo Chiarelli’s new album is online, it’s called Cuore. And this already says everything about the beauty of this creation of his. The young emerging artist has freed himself from a great “burden”, allowing us to get to know him even more. In the end, art serves this purpose, to free us from our “evils” and to give us an extra push. So, after the interview, the 26-year-old celebrated his birthday with Heartan album he cares a lot about.

Cuore, the new album by Eliseo Chiarelli

Like any self-respecting album, each song was lived until the last note, until the last verse and until the last breath. This was also the case for Eliseo Chiarelli, a humble and humble boy ready to be reborn with his musica passion that has accompanied him since he was a child (from the age of 6), as he himself told indedicated interview. Music has thus helped him to start again, to close a chapter and to open a new book, with pages that he is writing day after day.

From his songs you can feel the need to shout to the world that he is there and who wants to chase a dream, not so much for the goal itself, but because he knows how he feels while doing what he does best: singing and expressing himself.

Inside the Heart you will find the following titles:

  • Without going away
  • Pasquale Don’t Kill Me
  • Monster
  • Deja vu
  • Eagle
  • Attic

There are therefore 6 songs on the album, with strong lyrics and an engaging and enveloping sound. Each song has its own life and is ready to welcome you into the world of Eliseo Chiarelli.

Best wishes for a future full of fulfilled dreamswinding paths and uphill roads, useful for ascent and self-discovery!

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