Esports in Parlamento: quali sono le sfide e le opportunità del gaming thumbnail

Esports in Parliament: what are the challenges and opportunities of gaming

What are the critical issues and potential of Esports in Italy? And what economic and social aspects generates the phenomenon gaming? These are the questions at the center of the debate in the conference that will bring the theme of Esports to the for the first time Parliament.

The theme of Esports in Parliament thanks to the M5S and OIES

The initiative is promoted by 5 Star Movement and fromItalian Esports Observatory (OIES), as a commitment to bring to the attention of the institutions the need to define a national ecosystem of rules for this sector.

In fact, the Esports market is growing at an exponential speed all over the world, but in Italy it suffers from a serious delay due to the lack of a regulatory framework that defines a sustainable perimeter for the many companies that operate there. This initiative, therefore, starting precisely from the Parliament, wants to involve parliamentarians to give a positive impulse to the legislator in the work of enhancing this market.

The conference resumes the experience ofEsports Legal Forum of the OIES, which in the last three years has mapped all the critical regulatory issues that Italian operators have to face.

This experience will be expanded and strengthened over the planned two days (8-9 maggio), crossing the doors of Parliament for the first time, thanks to the commitment of the 5 Star Movement. With this initiative, the M5S confirms itself as the political force most attentive to innovation issues, and which promotes active support to entrepreneurs and companies engaged in the development of the Esports and gaming market in Italy.

The two days of the conference will represent the first moment of open discussion between the stakeholder of the sector, and will gather a representation among the most important realities of the sector and members of OIES.

Critical issues and potential of Esports in Italy: Proposals for the development of the sector – 8 May

the day of8 maggio, which will take place in the Sala del Refettorio of Palazzo San Macuto starting at 2.30 pm, will have the title “Critical issues and potential of Esports in Italy: Proposals for the development of the sector”.

The day will be opened by introductions by Valentina Barzotti (M5S group leader of the Public and Private Work Commission) e di Louis Caputo (Founder and CEO of the Italian Esports Observatory). The topics concerning the regulatory gaps affecting the sector in Italy and the difficulties that they are causing for the development of this market will be touched upon.

Who will intervene

  • Alessio Cicolari, CEO Of Ak Informatica, who will bear his testimony as an entrepreneur active in the development of Esports
  • Niccolo Travia, Managing Partner of Studio Lorenzoni, which will illustrate the provisions envisaged for the LAN rooms
  • Manuela Magistro e Andrew Miletus of the Lexant Law Firm they will describe the situation of labor relations in Esports
  • Giuseppe Vaciago, Partner Of 42 Law Firm, will illustrate the phenomena that hinder the growth of Esports
  • Biagio Giancola, Partner of the Martinelli Law Firm, Rogolino, Giancolawill address the issue of sports recognition for Esports
  • Juliet Minucci, Senior Associate Lexia Lawyerswill deepen the regulatory aspects of the new digital development trends of gaming and web3.

The conclusions will be entrusted to Antonio CasoM5S deputy and member of the Culture Commission, Science e Instruction.

esports lan

Economic and social aspects of gaming in Italy: Making the growth of the phenomenon sustainable and inclusive – 9 May

The day of 9 maggiowhich will be held in the Matteotti Hall of Palazzo Theodoli Bianchelli starting at 10, will have the title “Economic and social aspects of gaming in Italy: Making the growth of the phenomenon sustainable and inclusive”.

It will be introduced by Louis Caputo (Founder and CEO of OIES), Alessandra Todde (former Deputy Ministerto the M5S Economic Development) e Chiara Appendino (M5S MP, former Mayor of Turin).

They will be addressed economic and social aspects of gaming in Italy and how it can be make the growth of this sector sustainable and inclusive on our territory.

Ch will intervene

  • Simone Mingoli, Dsyre CEOon the professional figures that make up the sports world in Italy and what opportunities they represent
  • Stefano Sbordoni, Managing Partner e Founder of the Studio Sbordoni&Partnerswill explain the limitations of the sweepstakes legislation that applies to the industry
  • Daniel Schmidhofer ed Elisa Lesciorespectively CEO e Project Management Director Of ProGaming Italywill indicate the commercial and social opportunities of Esports competitions in Italy
  • Nicholas Palestino e Tommaso Zeppetellarespectively Country Manager e Head of Sales Of Azerion Italywill describe the differences in the development of the gaming market between Italy and Europe
  • Fortune Emperor, Game Designer, will talk about the difficulties faced by independent game designers in Italy
  • Michaela Romanini, Founder Of Women in Games Italiawill deal with the theme of inclusiveness, specifically that of the female video game community.

The conclusions will be entrusted to Antonio CasoM5S deputy and member of the Culture Commission, Science e Instruction. Both days will be moderated by Alessandro TaballioneSky TG24 journalist.

How to participate

To participate, you can register by sending an email to [email protected], or by filling out the form, subject to availability.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.