Facebook potenzia il tool  per il trasferimento delle informazioni dell'account thumbnail

Facebook enhances the tool for transferring account information

Facebook enhances the tool for transferring thumbnail account information

Facebook continue to upgrade his information transfer tool of your account to other services. Service “Transfer a copy of your information “ available in the Facebook settings is enriched with new options for users. Those who have a Facebook account, in fact, will now be able to take advantage of the data transfer to Photobucket and verse Google Calendar.

Facebook enhances the information transfer service of your account

Thanks to the tool “Transfer a copy of your information “ you can transfer part of your account information (for example images and videos, posts etc.) to other services. The list of supported services is constantly expanding. As announced today by official blog, for users there is now the possibility to take advantage of the transfer for Photobucket e Google Calendar. These new services go alongside several other services already supported.

How to access the service

This convenient Facebook function is “hidden” among the many options in the Settings section of the social network. After logging in to the desktop version of the social, simply go to the Settings of your account. At this point it will be necessary to choose Land your information on Facebook> Transfer a copy of your information. By re-entering the password of your account you will access the tool that will allow you to take advantage of the transfer tools.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.