Facebook Messenger introduce la crittografia end-to-end per le chiamate thumbnail

Facebook Messenger introduces end-to-end encryption for calls

Facebook introduces to end-to-end encryption for calls and video calls on Messenger, which become as secure as those on Zoom and FaceTime. Additionally, the company is testing encrypted private messages on Instagram.

Facebook Messenger: End-to-end encryption for calls and video calls

Since 2016, Facebook has guaranteed the message security on Messenger, although not by default. By selecting a “secret conversation“, Users could start an encrypted chat. And now it is going to launch, in the same section, the possibility to carry out calls and video calls with end-to-end encryption. According to the company, it will soon be possible to do so also for group calls and chats.


This possibility makes Messenger safe like a call on Signal, FaceTime or Zoom. Facebook itself admits that this is becoming the new communication standard. In addition to encryption, the update adds new functions for delete messages once sent: you can choose to cancel after 5 minutes or up to 24 hours.

The company is also trying to make the messaging experience more secure Instagram. Some users (all over 18) are testing encryption in messages. Ruth Kricheli, Facebook’s Director of Product Management, explains: “Similar to what we’re announcing today for Messenger, you need to have already started a chat or be a follower of each other to initiate a private message with end encryption. -to-end “.

These two innovations not only increase user safety. But they could lay the groundwork why tomorrow it will be possible to text between WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram accounts. A possibility that, according to the latest rumors, the Silicon Valley company is trying to put into practice. For the moment, however, we can be more confident when making a call on Messenger. We will keep you updated for any news.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.