Gimme5 continua a crescere: +49% di clienti nel 2021 thumbnail

Gimme5 continues to grow: + 49% of customers in 2021

Gimme5 continues to grow: + 49% of customers in 2021 thumbnail

Gimme5 continues its unabated growth, the digital piggy bank that allows you to set aside small amounts through your smartphone to invest them in mutual funds. According to the data released today by the company, in fact, from the beginning of 2021 there has been an increase in +49% per la customer base. Note that also the collection is up sharply with an excellent +40%. The fintech has also released a new app, completely redesigned and enriched with contents.

Gimme5 continues to grow in 2021: reached 500 thousand customers

The Gimme5 digital piggy bank continues its growth. Fintech has gone further 500 thousand customers with 120 million euros raised and 6 million euros generated for customers. It should be noted the success among young people with 62% of the customer base under 35. It should also be noted that 54% of new customers since the beginning of 2021 belong to Generation Z and are therefore under 26 years old. The pandemic accelerated the growth of Gimme5. From March 2020, in fact, there was a 145% for the number of customers and + 108% for the savings set aside through the app.

The company comment

Giordano Martinelli, Senior partner of Gimme5 he declares: “Gimme5 was created to approach the traditional world of managed savings in a smart and digital way. We are experiencing an increasing interest in our solution: in parallel with the customer base, the amount of average savings accumulated has also grown, not only due to the greater availability of liquidity due to the months of the pandemic, but also due to a growing awareness of having to be always ready to face any future unforeseen events, at least from an economic point of view.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.