Google fa entrare nel Play Store l'app di Trump, Truth Social thumbnail

Google brings Trump’s app, Truth Social, into the Play Store

The app launched by the team of Donald Trump after the Twitter ban, Truth Socialarrives on the Play Store from Google. The Californian company had blocked the approval of the app for months due to doubts about the content moderation policies on the app. It seems that the discussion, which began in August, has borne fruit.

Google accepts Truth Social, Trump’s app, in the Play Store

The social app had already entered the Apple App Store last February. But so far Android users who wanted to use the social network of the former American President they had had to use the version web of the app. In fact, Google was concerned about the presence of comments that incited physical violence in the app.

In fact, to access the Play Store, Google asks that apps with user-generated content (such as social networks) have precise policies to avoid abusive behavior. When the app arrived on Android in August, there were no ways to enforce those policies.

A Google spokesperson commented that: “Apps to be distributed on Google Play must comply with our developer guidelines, including moderation requirements of user-generated content and the removal of posts such as those that incite violence ”.

Incitement to violence is also prohibited on other social networks, such as Twitter and all the others who removed Donald Trump from the platform after the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

In recent months, other apps have also undergone the scrutiny of Google to enter the Play Store, such as the social network Talk, which has also become ‘fashionable’ after many representatives of the US Republican Party have been banned from Twitter (Trump, however, is not on Parler). After removing the app in January, it was only last month that Google allowed it back into the store.

Both Parler and Truth Social are now available for major mobile platforms, with Google and Apple happy with content moderation. But it remains to be seen whether they will be as successful as other social networks. What if they will really enforce the moderation rules.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.