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Google employees who work from home could face pay cuts

Employees of Google who will decide to work permanently in smart working could suffer a 10% cut on their salary. Let’s analyze the situation better.

Google and the salary for smart working employees

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It is a experiment currently underway in Silicon Valley. This method however is risky for the employees who decide to work at home and also for the commuters from long distances. In fact, they could experience deeper pay cuts: we are talking about the 25%.

“Our compensation packages have always been location-driven and we always pay at the top of the local market based on where an employee works,” a Google spokesperson said. The spokesman also added that the pay will differ from city to city and from state to state.

A Google employee who asked to not be identified out of fear of retaliation, he typically commutes to the office of Seattle from a neighboring county. If you decide to work from home, would risk a 10% cut salary, according to the estimates of Work Location Tool of the company launched in June.

The employee was considering smart working but she decided to keep going to the office – despite the two hours of travel. “It’s a pay cut as high as the one I got for my last promotion. I didn’t do all that hard work to get promoted to get less money, ”he said.

Jake Rosenfeld, a sociology professor at Washington University in St. Louis who studies wage setting, said Google’s wage structure raises concerns about who will feel the impacts most acutely, including families.

“What’s clear is that Google doesn’t have to do that,” Rosenfeld said. “Google paid these workers 100% of their previous wages, by definition. So it doesn’t mean that they can’t afford to pay employees who choose smart working itself “.

Reuters calculations show that an employee living in Stamford, Connecticut – an hour by train from New York City – would be paid the 15% less if you worked from home, while a colleague from the same office who lives in New York City he would not see any pay cuts. Some screenshots showed differences in the 5 e 10% in the Seattle, Boston and San Francisco areas

A Google spokesperson, however, said the company it will not change an employee’s salary. Employees who work in the New York City office, for example, they will be paid the same way of those working remotely from another New York City location, according to the spokesperson.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.