Hell Architect sta per approdare su Steam: l'Inferno ai nostri piedi thumbnail

Hell Architect is about to land on Steam: Hell at our feet

Hell Architect is about to land on Steam: Hell at our feet thumbnail

Leonardo Interactive and Woodland Games have just announced that Hell Architect, a Sim with survival elements, is coming on August 18th on Steam. In the game we will play the role of an architect of Hell, charged with creating new and creative methods to torture the damned in the abyss of Avernus. The title will be characterized by a good dose of black humor and blood at the most I can.

Hell Architect arrives on August 18th

Are you ready for a literal trip to Hell? If the answer is yes then Hell Architect is undoubtedly the game for you given that in this singular title developed by Woodland Games we will play the role of a real infernal architect. Our task? Impress the big boss (Lucifer) with our bloody torture creations.

The damned themselves will be our main workforce, as we can use them to obtain the materials needed to create the machines and then torture them at a later time. On the other hand, Hell does not take no for an answer. Here are the main features of the game:

  • Create the hell of your dreams: Flex your creative muscles to design, build and furnish 9 infamous circles of hell in single player campaign mode or spend eternity designing your own chaotic masterpiece from scratch in sandbox mode.
  • If you build it, they will suffer: Start with basic buildings like power plants (yes, they need those in Hell too) and canteens for your hungry workers and expand your empire to include shrines and intricate torture tools to increase the level of suffering of your weary residents.
  • The key word is “management”Collecting resources, building structures and expanding your hell will be the key to success. A steady stream of new lost souls will provide manpower, but you will need to be able to get them working properly.
  • Crack the whip: Torture sinners sent to your humble abode with various amusing (or less amusing) sources of suffering, whether it is punishing them for disobedience or just for fun.
  • Hell has never looked so good: The sleek 2D art style blends seamlessly with the brutal and gory themes and is complemented by outstanding black humor.
  • Guest appearances: legendary characters will also be available; a diverse group of history’s most despicable sinners falling into your domain, each possessing special abilities to help you build your own diabolical masterpiece.
Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.