Hyundai sbarca nello spazio, ecco il rover che esplorerà la luna thumbnail

Hyundai lands in space, here is the rover that will explore the moon

Hyundai disembarks in space, here is the rover that will explore the moon. As Hyundai Motor Company, the automotive group that controls the Hyundai, KIA and Genesis brands, announces the start of work. These are on a lunar soil exploration rover.

Here we are talking about those small vehicles designed to move and explore the surface of other planets. Among these we remember those who arrived on the Moon with various missions Apollo e Spiritwho explored from 2004 to 2011 the surface of Marte.

The construction of the rover Hyundai is the result of a agreementstipulated in 2022 This is between the producer and some important institutions in the country. In the list of names stands out theKorean Aerospace Research Institute (KASI).

Now Hyundai has the goal to be completed within four years. In 2027, the rover will be ready for the first real space mission. Not only that, the rover will use a multi-purpose mobility platform designed by Hyundai itself.

Hyundai lands in space, here is the rover that will explore the moon, site sourceHyundai lands in space, here is the rover that will explore the moon, site source

Hyundai lands in space, the characteristics of the rover

The rover of Hyundai consists of integrated technologies. In this regard, we recall that Hyundai Group also check out the group Boston Dynamics and autonomous driving technologies that make use of cameras and LiDAR sensors already integrated in some of the brand’s cars.

The components will occupy all the lower space of the rover, while the upper part will be used for the integration of a variety of advanced technologies, mainly designed for the excavation, collection and analysis of lunar samples.

”entire rover it will weigh less than 70kg and clearly features radiation shielding to withstand the extreme environment of the lunar surface.

Hyundai lands in space, the long test phase from 2024

The first Hyundai rover should be ready as early as 2024. Then, a long testing phase will follow, divided into two phases. The first part of the tests will take place in a limited area of ​​the South Pole, an area where the device’s ability to land without damage will be tested in particular.

The second part will aim to simulate the actual working conditions that the rover will face, with the transport of the device in an environment similar to that of the lunar surface. Here the tests relating to the ability to move and analyze the terrain will be carried out.

Yong Wha Kim, vice president executive e capo of the center Of planning e coordination Hyundai Motor and Kia R&Dexplains: “Hyundai Motor Group has always been convinced that among its objectives there was also to help expand the reach of human mobility experiences.

The creation of the lunar exploration mobility development model not only reflects this goal, but also shows our ambition to achieve tangible results in the face of significant challenges. With the development of this vehicle we are moving beyond land, sea and air mobility to expand into space“.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.