In the NVIDIA Studio: la protagonista di questa settimana è Yangtian Li thumbnail

In the NVIDIA Studio: Yangtian Li is the star of the week

In the NVIDIA Studio: This week's star is Yangtian Li thumbnail

The In the NVIDIA Studio series continues. The protagonist of this week is Yangtian Li, Senior Concept Artist of Singularity6, who can count in his portfolio of highly successful titles such as Call of Duty, Magic: The Gathering and Vainglory. Here are all the details on the new episode of the series.

Yangtian Li stars in the new episode of In the NVIDIA Studio

The leading artist in this week’s episode of In the NVIDIA Studio used a GeForce RTX GPU along with Adobe Photoshop to draw and paint Snake Witch, the work that represents his “masterpiece” as pointed out by NVIDIA. For all the details relating to the work carried out by Li, you can consult the official blog In the NVIDIA Studio. From the blog you will have the opportunity to fully investigate the development and implementation of the project with many additional details of great interest. We report, below, a series of videos in which Li described, in a complete way, the illustration processes that she uses. This is the right opportunity to deepen the work of a Concept Artist, step by step, in the creation of a work.

The benefits for creators

NVIDIA Studio offers many benefits to creators using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Here are the main strengths:

  • numerous GPU-accelerated features, including Liquify and Perspective Warp
  • Neural filters powered by artificial intelligence such as Style Transfer and Colorize
  • AI-enhanced masking tools such as Select Subject and Select Sky

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.