Italia sotto lo scacco degli attacchi hacker: fenomeni in aumento thumbnail

Italy under the check of hacker attacks: phenomena on the rise

In Italy, ransomware-based hacker attacks are increasing dramatically. Yesterday the Accenture company is under attack from the ransomware Lockbit 2.0, a software that blocks the use of company systems until a ransom is paid. However, this is only the latest in a series of attacks, which in recent months have sent many institutions into a tailspin, not least the Lazio region with its vaccine management.

Italy and hacker attacks

Several companies and manufacturing companies in our country have entered the aims of Lockbit 2.0, which as we mentioned at the beginning is a software designed to block the supply chain against a ransom. There are so many companies that have suffered an attack from this ranomware, such as Erg and Acquazzurra Florence, which is becoming more and more a problem both in Italy and abroad.

At the same time the Lazio region is also affected with Ransomeex. This malware has completely disrupted the booking system for anti-covid vaccines, as we have learned in recent weeks, throwing the Lazio vaccination campaign into chaos. According to several researches, it may have been Lockbit’s affiliates who passed the stolen credentials to web criminals, including those behind the Ransomeex attack, with whom a collaboration may be in progress.

Italy under the check of hacker attacks: phenomena on the rise

In short, it seems that these large criminal organizations are organizing themselves to launch combined attacks both to individual companies and to institutions and now more than ever it is necessary to pay great attention to the issue of cyber security, often not fully understood by the same entities that then fall victim to phenomena such as phishing.

The cybersecurity expert is convinced of this Aaron Visaggio, who emphasized two different aspects of the phenomenon. The first relates to the power of cybercrime, which is growing exponentially in terms of capacity, infrastructure, software used. It must also be considered that ransomware are much more advanced than controls, and it is now clear that many of the tools at our disposal are no longer capable of identifying threats effectively.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.