Light is Life: il Festival delle Luci per Brescia e Bergamo thumbnail

Light is Life: the Festival of Lights for Brescia and Bergamo

Recently, in the heart of Brescia e BergamoItalian capital cities of culture in 2023, the presentation of a unique event was held which will take place next year: we are talking about the Festival of Lights Light is Life. The event, which will be held in both cities in 2023, aims to illuminate the cities that now boast the prestigious title of “Italian cities of culture 2023” and to raise awareness of a rather delicate topic. Let’s find out all the details together.

Brescia and Bergamo light up with the Festival of Lights

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The demonstration Light is Lifepromoted by energy company A2A, will light up both cities in 2023 turning them into two must-visit places. According to what was announced during the presentation, the review will host some special guests. Among them we find:

  • Angel Bonello,
  • Chila Kumari Burman,
  • Marco Lodola,
  • Federica Marangoni,
  • Ivan Navarro,
  • Oliver Ratsi.

The event will light up the city of Brescia from 10 to 19 February 2023; a Bergamohowever, will be held from 17 to 26 February 2023 together with the artistic direction of Angelo Bonellithe founder of Kitonb Creative Studio, e Pam Show, the curator of the Light Art Collection in Amsterdam. Light is Light will also be joined by some works created by the students of the Art Academies of the two cities (SantaGiulia, LABA and Carrara).

One of the most important aspects of the Festival of Lights concerns the energy awareness. In fact, the installations will be powered by renewables and made according to some efficiency criteria with annexed advice, which will therefore allow for optimize consumption. It is also a perfect opportunity to raise funds for the Energy Bankso that we can support various projects for local families.

In Bergamo the event will be held in High City: it will start from Citadel Square until you get to Moroni Palace. The route will obviously include some of the most evocative places in the city, illuminated by various installations.

In Brescia, however, the event will involve the main square of the city. Here a 3D mapping will be set up that will animate Palazzo from the Loggiathen continuing towards the most suggestive places in the city such as the Capitol.

George Gori, Mayor of Bergamo, declared that Light is Life is one of the most important events that the city has planned for next year. He also underlined how this event creates an incredible synergy between the two cities, prompting numerous people to collaborate in view of the Festival. It is an opportunity to allow a all citizens to gather and, in a certain sense, getting to know each other better through a more unique than rare show.

We conclude by reminding you that the Light is Life Festival of Lights will continue after Montisola, the point where these two provinces meet. Inside this evocative place, Michelangelo Pistoletto and the Cittadellarte Foundation will bring an installation called Third energy paradisethanks also to the support of the Energy Bank.

For more information, you can consult the official site.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.