Windows 11 Pro: per il prossimo aggiornamento servirà un account Microsoft thumbnail

Microsoft 11 Pro: update coming soon, but a Microsoft account is required

Microsoft has announced an upcoming update of the Windows 11 Prowhich will require an internet connection and account Microsoft during the initial setup phase. The changes will reflect the same requirements that the Redmond giant added to Windows 11 Home last year, meaning it won’t be mandatory to create a Microsoft account.

Windows 11 Pro: You will need a Microsoft account to upgrade

Microsoft has increasingly pushed Windows users to use an account Microsoft since the time of Windows 10 and this new change a Windows 11 Pro it won’t exactly appeal to anyone who has always tried to avoid the collection of data and telemetry by the Redmond giant. In fact, prior to this update, it was possible to work around the problem by creating a local account.

Microsoft 11 Pro update

“Similar to Windows 11 Home Edition, Windows 11 Pro Edition now requires Internet connectivity only during the initial device setup,” reads a blog post by Windows Insider. “If you choose to set up a device for personal use, Microsoft account will also be required to complete the setup.”

Microsoft is currently testing this change in Windows 11 builds and will likely roll out to Windows 11 Pro in the coming months. In short, it seems that it will no longer be possible to adopt the grown-ups trick of the past, with all due respect to all those who want to avoid creating a dedicated account. That said, this decision is likely to spark a lot of discontent over the next few days.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.