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Microsoft shuts down LinkedIn in China

LinkedIn leaves China: Microsoft, owner of the social network for workers, cites “a significantly more challenging operating environment”. Although it seems that the decision comes after the Chinese government’s obligation to block the profiles of some journalists and activiststhe. In its place, a “basic” version will be created which will act as a showcase for those looking for work, but will not have no social features network.

Microsoft shuts down LinkedIn in China

LinkedIn operates in China since February 2014, but by the end of the year it will leave the Chinese ether for good. The decision, according to sources close to LinkedIn, comes after the Chinese government’s alleged imposition to block some profiles. Accounts of journalists and activists accused of posting banned political content on the platform.

The official lawsuit, posted by Microsoft, remains much more nuanced. The company would have “faced a significantly more demanding operating environment and increased compliance requirements in China ”. LinkedIn Executive Vice President Mohak Shroff explains that “our decision to launch a local version of LinkedIn was driven by our mission to connect professionals around the world to make them more productive and successful.” But Beijing’s restrictions made it impossible for Microsoft to operate.

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LinkedIn was the last major American social network to operate in China. Now the software that will replace it, called InJobs, will only act as a platform for find independent work. No articles or social posts, the goal is “to focus on helping China-based professionals find jobs in China and Chinese companies find quality candidates. By the end of the year, we will launch InJobs, a new independent job platform for China ”.

Microsoft assures that “we will also continue to work with Chinese companies to help them create economic opportunities”. Yet the choice of remove articles and social posts strips LinkedIn of what made it an attractive platform for all professionals. As well as a social network where you can spread your opinions.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.