Monster Hunter Rise arriva su PC: ne vale la pena? Ecco le caratteristiche thumbnail

Monster Hunter Rise arrives on PC: is it worth it? Here are the features

Monster Hunter Rise, the new chapter in the monster hunting saga Capcom is about to arrive on PC, thanks to significant upgrades as regards the characteristics of its technical side. The hunting game of the Osaka house has already had the opportunity to show its playful mixture on for about a year Nintendo Switch, so now we can say for sure if it’s worth buying on PC or not: let’s find out together.

Monster Hunter Rise: the features on PC

The first thing to know when approaching the PC version of Monster Hunter Rise is to understand what exactly are the technical improvements that this new edition of the game brings with it. Rise is undoubtedly a miracle on Nintendo Switch, but the endemic limitations of Nintendo hardware have made themselves felt, with textures not always high-resolution and a game resolution in 720p upscaled to 1080 when played in doc.

The PC version already proves to be excellent in this regard, given that in the first place it aims at the fluidity of the gameplay with very solid 60 frames per second, and then it also guarantees the 4K graphics rendering, which, just by watching the trailers, makes monsters and settings really impressive, accomplices texture, this time to high resolution and at a high level of detail.

Features Monster Hunter Rise PC

As if that weren’t enough, the PC version allows you to play a lot of them too graphics options, primarily by allowing players to apply a filter that totally changes the aesthetics of the game; from black and white, through sepia, up to a filter that makes everything Rise similar to a vintage Japanese film. But not only that, it is also possible to adjust other small settings and apply effects such as vignetting or motion blur.

Unlike the Switch game, on Steam Rise it will be complete with voice chat, a rather important feature for Monster Hunter but which, due to Nintendo’s policies, could not reach the company’s hybrid. Finally, there will be support for the display ultra wide, which will make your hunting sessions, alone or in company, truly spectacular.

How’s the game?

Having taken stock of the features that Monster Hunter Rise will be able to count on once released on PC, it is also worth asking ourselves what the game is like and what its strengths are on a purely playful level. Here, Rise from this point of view is a particular Monster Hunter, which excels in several compartments but which sinks totally and inexplicably into others.

Anyone who has played this Capcom series for a long time knows that Monster Hunter is a farming game, in which monsters are killed to create equipment with their parts useful then to face other monsters even stronger. The component of theory crafting it has always been very present in the saga and is in fact its pulsating core. This of course is also true for Rise, but with some important specifications.

If on the one hand in fact the gameplay of the title is among the most complex, layered and satisfying of the entire saga, its endgame sector is barely mentioned, which turns out to be a big limitation for a title in this series, which has always made the most advanced hunts one of its flagships.

It is probable that this characteristic is tempered by Sunbreak, the expansion coming this summer, but for now you weren’t expecting a title that will keep you busy for hundreds of hours like in the past, also thanks to a fluctuating post-launch support.

Net of this defect, which for many could easily be secondary, Monster Hunter Rise is a great action video game, who knows how to catch the player and keep him glued to the screen hunt after hunt. If you’re looking for something to keep you busy in this low-key period then Rise could be the title for you.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.