Moovit si prepara al Back to School con nuove funzioni per gli studenti thumbnail

Moovit for Back to School: New features for students

Moovit prepares for Back to School with new features for thumbnail students

Even the Moovit app is preparing for “back to school” with a new feature designed for students who, every morning, will be able to receive personalized information to reach their school by public transport or sharing. Here are the details:

Moovit prepares for back to school by providing new information to students

The application can rely on new intuitive cardsone new useful tool for students who have to travel to schools. Cards are processed byartificial intelligence of Moovit taking into consideration various information, such as public transport strikes and bad weather or even extraordinary road closures due to construction sites or accidents.

Moovit’s intuitive cards will then go to suggest to students the best route to get to school every morning e the best way home from school. Users will be able to select a preferred stop for public transport and also indicate a closest one to use in case of need. Then there is a card called last journey that allows you to quickly retrieve the last journey traveled.

To realize these new features, as well as to offer an increasingly complete service to users, Moovit can count on hundreds of partnerships in the area with all the main Italian mobility companies. For users, therefore, there is the possibility of being able to count on constantly updated information.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.