Oracle annuncia la release di Java 22 thumbnail

Oracle announces the release of Java 22

Oracle has officially revealed Java 22, the latest iteration of the famous programming language and development platform, recognized as the most used in the world.

Con Oracle JDK 22developers can now benefit from a wide range of improvements, ranging from performance to stability and security, with the aim of increasing productivity, fostering innovation and stimulating business growth.

What you need to know about Java 22

The new version of the JDK introduces significant updates, including 12 JDC Enhancement Proposals (JEP), which touch on different aspects of the Java language, APIs and performance, as well as new development tools. Among the most relevant innovations we find:

  • OPEN JDK Project Amber: Introduces new language features such as Statements before super[…]Unnamed Variables & Patterns, String Templates, Implicitly Declared Classes e Instance Main Methods.
  • Project Panama: Brings improvements such as Foreign Function & Memory API and Vector API.
  • Project Loom: Adds features like Structured Concurrency and Scoped Values.
  • New Core Libraries and Capabilities: Includes Class-File API, multi-file source program launcher, and Stream Gatherers.
  • Performance: Improvements such as Region Pinning for G1.

“With Java 22, more developers will be able to quickly and easily build and deliver feature-rich, scalable and secure applications to help organizations around the world grow,” he said. Georges Saab, Senior Vice President, Oracle Java Platform and Chairman of the OpenJDK governing body. “By simplifying application development and extending access to Java to developers of all skill levels, we aim to ensure that Java 22 can create a wide range of new applications and services, with benefits both for organizations and for developers themselves.”

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.